Dear Friends
Dear sir,
The purpose of this letter is to introduce AMIGO IMPEX, our India based company, which has been exporting its herbal products abroad as a fundraising gateway to achieve the mission of itsparent organisation AMIABLE AID FOUNDATION which has been rendering services for the children with Intellectual Challenge. Our Foundation has taken initiatives to secure its future ability to fund its social works by setting up legacy schemes through AMIGO.
Among many things, our Foundation is famed as having some valuable manuscripts dealing withherbal cures. Using those formulas we prescribe herb mixtures and oils at minimum or no cost for various ailments. Those age-old leaflets reveal that human body doesn’t have the power to destroy itself! It’s self healing power gets enhanced when we include herbs, vegetables and fruits in our daily food. Tapping this ancient wisdom, AMIGO offers regular food items added with rare herbs to boost the vitality and physiological balance of our body.
Enclosed with this are documentations about our social services, including our catalogues that enlists our products that you can make use of it in case you decide to do business with us. Whether you choose our herbal pickles for daily menu or honey preservatives for curative purpose or jams to satiate the tasting buds or candies for healthier child or herbal oils for the body glow or herbal soaps for overall well being or rare groceries such as bamboo rice for medicinal use or variety of Indian teas for briskness or aroma oils for cosmic conscious... – it benefits you and ultimately helps us provide something bigger – making medical & care facilities accessible, affordable and financially sustainable for the children with intellectual challenge because sales proceeds are being ploughed into achieving our social mission.
These are all the products you are using every day. Also, we are fully aware that you are already making use of similar products provided by another company and may not be currently looking for a change. We would like to thank you for the time that you have taken in order to go through this letter and the enclosed documentation.
Please feel free to contact us in case you need to involve in our noble cause that our organisation provides, by offering us a chance to serve you to use our products - along with the ones that you have already been using. we are certain that your purchase will constantly at work, helping us to run the care home and provide day-to-day support to families whose member affected by intellectual challenge, funds for medical and research programmes, educational events, general operating costs as well as promote awareness. These events are critical, grass-root venue for community involvement, the results of which are valuable to those who attend, organize, contribute and are engaged in.
It is also relatively painless for buyers; it’s not a big deal to spend extra rupees on a product for charity, for example, or to purchase a product that were going to buy anyway with the understanding that proceeds out of the purchase will go to someone unknown – less fortune.
I hope our mutual enterprise would bring both of us the desired returns, in turn, it also benefits many less fortunes. We are interested in knowing about the commodities/ services at your end so as to make use of it here in India. By the way, we do like to invite you to our organisation to interacting with our neurologically challenged inmates who have always had a natural propensity for total happiness.
We are looking for a prospective dealer for our products in your location. We are grateful to you in case you do guide us in this regard.